ENG:Hi gals! I couldn't wait to show you my new year's Eve party look! I'm going to spend the last 2012 hours having a great time with my friends, dancing, laughing and eating a lot of panettone. And you? What are your 31st December plans?
Jasper and diamonds. 2013 countdown.
ENG:Hi gals! I couldn't wait to show you my new year's Eve party look! I'm going to spend the last 2012 hours having a great time with my friends, dancing, laughing and eating a lot of panettone. And you? What are your 31st December plans?
Gosh:New Year's round the corner!
ENG:My typical situation before Christmas and New Year's Eve:
Panic...panic-panic-panic! (I shout messing-up my wardrobe)
Gosh! What is it? (my mother peeps out a bit worried)
It's terrible! I've nothing to wear at New Year's Eve!
But your wardrobe is full of clothes! Search, search for something ...you'll find it! (the answer she gives me every year)
Mum! What did you understand? I need something new! Or you want your daughter go to the party dressed in a Pikachu costume?
on! Don't be tragic! If you want I can lend you that beautiful skirt I
wore at 1989 New Year's Eve ... (when she reaches this point she never
Ok ok. I understood. I'll scrounge up.
Forced by circumstances (bugger crisis, high prices, my half-empty wardrobe off) to plan my outfit, here are my ideas on it.
Now it's time to convince the boss -.o
Xmas fever - help ready at hand
Eccomi in vostro aiuto! Problemi per trovare il giusto outfit per le feste natalizie? Niente paura...vi ho precedute! Ecco qua sotto alcuni idee da cui prendere spunto per trovare il giusto abbinamento dei vestiti delle feste! Dal più chic ed elegante, a quello più casual e comodo per un perfetto Natale in casa, ad un outfit elegantissimo adatto per una cenetta romantica.
Love profusion.
Il freddo è arrivato decisamente! Pronti per l'inverno?
Ecco qualche scatto degli ultimi giorni in cui si poteva ancora girare senza strati e strati di vestiti: un divertente pranzo assieme ai parenti in un bellissim ristorante sperduto nella campagna attorno alla mia città; sole, natura, pace, risate e sorrisi!
Hi everybody! Definitely cold temperatures are here! Ready for winter?
These are some pics from the last warm days: a relaxing launch with relatives in a beautiful restaurant in the country near my city; sun, nature, peace, laughs and smiles!
Gipsy autumn haul.
Hi everybody!
Here I am with a little autumn haul because I can't wait to show you my last shopping
finds and current fashion obsessions! :P
Ciao a tutti!
Eccomi qua con un piccolo post autunnale per mostrarvi le mie ultime compere
e ciò per cui ho perso la testa nei miei ultimi giri di shopping!
The coolest DIY project ever.
Hi gals! Alright, here I am to teach you the coolest diy project ever.
First some explanation :D I'm not joking!
As you certainly know, this is the fancy hair moment.
All the people that have ever dreamt of a super strange hair colour (but that haven't had courage to do the big step) can realize their dream. Red hair, orange, blue, or even leo printed hair! You'll never be too strange!
....and it! The ombre hair (or dip died hair)! It's the real king of all the hair colour techniques!
It consists of dying only the ends of the hair with a different colour than your normal haircolour: you can use only one colour, or even add more shades to get a more 'ombre' effect!
-Sounds amazing! I'll try it!- I thought!
Magic and natural cucumber mask
(For any other language use the translator---->)
Here you are a little recipe I love, perfect to keep us beautiful even during the months of work/school.
Here you are a little recipe I love, perfect to keep us beautiful even during the months of work/school.
Yeah, It's a cucumber mask! Cucumber has the magic properities of lighten dark circles, decongest and deflate eyelids, smooth wrinkles and even depurates oily skin (super suitable for this no-stop-work months)!
On the golden pond.
Ecco qua la prima parte del mio viaggio ad Arona, città bellissima e piena di fascino sul Lago Maggiore, Piemonte. Come vi avevo già accennato qui, questo sarà il primo di alcuni post in cui vi racconto questo stupendo soggiorno sul lago! (Eh, si, sono molte le cose che vi voglio raccontare! :D)
Here it is the first part of my holiday in Arona, beautiful fascinating city on the Lago Maggiore, Piemonte. How I've said here yet, this will be the first of some posts about my travel, because I have a lot of photos, outfits and places to show you! :D
A little bit of Lago Maggiore.
Hi guys! Here it is a little preview of
the photos from my last travel. I went ito Arona, on the west bank of
Lago Maggiore, Piemonte! The weather was really beautiful (always mild
and sunny) and I had a lot of fun. I sunbathed lying on the stone beach near my hotel
and (of course) I had a bath in the lake, visited an ancient castle (that was on the other side bank of the lake),
had lunch and dinner in old, typical restaurants and climbed a 35 metres high old
statue! But I promise I'll tell you better later!
Have a nice summer and stay tuned! :D
We brought with us my cat, too. That is him during the car trip. He was always meowing during the first hour, then he fell asleep! :3
Turquoise mood.
Ecco gli scatti dall'ultimo viaggio in Veneto.
Una vacanza ci voleva proprio per staccare dalla routine quotidiana ed iniziare con ancor più energia i nuovi giorni di estate, caldi anzi caldissimi, ma pieni di sorprese ed amicizie stupende!
La fishtail braid (o treccia a spiga/spina di pesce) è uno dei must dell'estate (ve ne avevo parlato qui). Sia ordinata, sia in versione ribelle con ciuffi che spuntano qua e là si adatta facilmente a qualsiasi look, dal classico allo street!
Assieme a me l'inseparabile borsa vintage a secchiello Giudi, totalmente in ecopelle. Super pratica e capiente: si sa che quando si viaggia la cosa più importante è la praticità.
La gonna, invece, è una delle mie preferite. Mi piace troppo il modello a vita alta, ilcolore così acceso ed estivo e le varie balze di cui si compone; ed è freschissima, il che la rende l'ideale per i giorni di caldo afoso. L'ho trovata perfetta abbinata alla canotta beige chiaro Subdued, per un completo in perfetto stile 'spezzato' :).
Adoro il Veneto; per il clima, i paesaggi, la gente e gli anfratti tipici dove accostarsi e fare una foto è quasi d'obbligo, rituale. I fiori, i monumenti, le chiese. Tutto macchina fotografica alla mano!
Canotta/Top: Subdued
Gonna/Skirt: Oviesse
Ballerine/Flats: Oroscuro
Borsa/Bag: Giudi
Orecchini/Earrings: Pimkie
Come stanno procedendo le vostre vacanze?
Un Bacio.
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